• friends,  jane austen,  my view,  pride and prejudice

    You Must Allow Me To Tell You…

    So on Good Friday I had the great fortune of having a bunny hopping on by house and putting a little gift in my mailbox. Imagine my surprise when I found this lovely package from my friend Patricia of PVE Design!

    What a lovely scarf from Brookish on Etsy and  featuring one of my favorite speeches from Pride and Prejudice! How many times have I swooned over Darcy as he said these words? Too many to count that’s how many.

    And can we discuss Patricia’s cute little bunny sketch. How sweet is that? Head on over to Patricia’s blog to see more work from this fabulous artist. Thank you so much Patricia! I know I will wear it until I wear it out.


    But before you go, do you have a favorite romantic quote that you’d like to share? If so please do in the comments. Oh and don’t be and April Fool! Keep an eye out and have a great one!



    All the best,


  • pride and prejudice,  Uncategorized,  videos

    Capital Capital

    The rain has continued and is now seeping into my basement. Instead of me weeping I will continue with my feeble attempts at mental escape from yesterday and offer this lovely clip. See you tomorrow for more.




    Word from Jax on comment profile pics for Ina and Joyce and others:
    As far as avatars: www.wordpress.com and register for free without setting up a blog. They give you that option. Once you’re in there, you should fill the profile with the gravatar. It should be easier when you login on the avatar front. 🙂

  • my view,  pride and prejudice,  videos

    To Tempt Me

    Thanks so much for all the comments on the DD’s dance yesterday and my little Jackster problem. I have to say we’re all still in recuperations mode here during Spring Break. It was a long dreary rainy day yesterday and more rain in in the forecast. I know that during this break my favorite here will be viewed. But will anyone stand up with me?

    More clips to come during the week on this lazy spring break. What do you always turn to during a do nothing day?
