Strike a Pose!
Good Day! The next stop on my magical musical Through The Lens tour is the cool Book Reviews by Dee. Please be sure to stop on by over there and comment for your chance to win. But before you go take some time to Strike a Pose!
All the best,
image fm here
Oh wow, the Through The Lens world tour keeps on rolling along the next stop is the fab Welcome to The World of My Dreams. Please stop by to up your chances of winning an Amazon gift card.
But before you go don’t forget it’s all about the …. FASHION! Turn to the Left! Beep-Beep.
All the best,
image fm here
Picture This!
That is such and Ale line or maybe it’s a Mika line. They are so two peas in a pod when it come to their picture passion. Today the Through The Lens wold tour continues over at Christy McKee’s blog. Please stop by there for another chance to win! And now for today’s song…
Have a great day!
image from here
Let The Music Play…
Thanks to all of you who stopped by Pink Fluffy Hearts yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the excerpt. Today Through The Lens is over at Andi’s Book reviews. Don’t forget to stop by and comment there for your chance to win. In the meantime… let the music play!
Have a great day!
All the best,
I’m on world tour…
Well not really, but I am going my very first internet blog tour this week hosted by Goddess Fish so that’s pretty exciting. You will find me or a bit of talk about me and even more talk about my debut book: Through The Lens on various fantastic book blogs this week.
During the tour I will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to one commenter so please stop on by and comment on each stop to up your winning chances!
The first stop on this week’s tour is at the super cool Pink Fluffy Hearts Blog please check it out here. Thanks.
In the meantime I’ll be playing DJ Ms. Jackson this week. Let’s start it off in the TTL theme with a little Duran Duran and Girls on Film. Enjoy!
Have a fab week!
All the best,
Livin’ Fat
Happy Fat Tuesday!
Party it up. For tomorrow keeps on coming…
All the best,
P.S. Today I’m hanging over at Storytelling Rules. Please go over and check me out. Thanks!
image fm here
La-La Leibster!
So I was tagged by fellow Crimsonista, the lovely, Lynn Crandall and given a Liebster Award. What is a Liebster? I’m not sure so let’s go to the old cut and paste for that shall we?
“The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. Liebster, I’m told, is German and mans sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome, so it packs a lot of punch.” What?! Now I feeling extra special. Thanks so much Lynn
Here are the rules for receiving the award:
1. Each recipient must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. Choose 11 people (or thereabouts) and link them to your post.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.
5. Remember, no tag backs!Eleven Questions for You:
1. Favorite beverage? Diet Coke but I’m working on breaking the habit and subbing with the equally as addictive coffee so there’s that.
2. What makes you get up in the morning? Society.
3. Are you a countryside or city person? City.
4. Your best day was doing what? I’m living on the faith that my best days are still ahead of me.
5. What talent are you are willing to do in front of people? Not much. I’m in introvert. So I’ll say knit.
6. If you could go anywhere in time for a day, when would it be? That’s a tough one. I’d be tempted to go back to where I could prevent some sort of disaster but then you get into the whole back to the future thing and we know from Marty how that can turm out.7. Favorite color? Green- ish or black.
8. Longest you’ve lived in any one place? New York area all my life.
9. Favorite number? 4
10. Favorite book from childhood? Little Women
11. Best advice for others regarding anything? Get up.And now for my 11 questions to my Leibsters:
1. Heels or flats?
2. If you had your choice would you go out to dinner or stay in?
3. Savory or sweet?
4. What’s your favorite current earworm song?
5. Did you watch the Superbowl for the game or for the halftime show?
6. Drama or comedy?
7. Breaking it down Real Housewives style. Beverly Hills, Atlanta or New York?
8. Do you have a green thumb?
9. What is your favorite reading genre?
10. Wine or beer?
11. What are you grateful for today?
Now as for tagging… well since this has been going around and I’m late to the party I’m sending this out to all of you my bloggy friends as you are all true “Leibsters” in my book. So if you’ve not been tagged and would like to take on my probbing questions, please say so in the comments. I’d love it if you played. Have a happy and if you’re in my neck of the woods watch out for the evil Snow Miser!
All the best,
Happy Belated (really, Kwana?) 5th Blogiversary to Me!!
Oh my goodness! Here it is my blog birthday has come and gone and I totally missed it. How like me is that one?
But you see, like myself, ye old blog has become a woman of a certain age and as with women of a certain age it seems we’d rather forget such milestones and just keep things moving, you know going on with the day to day, no fanfare and all that. But you know these things must be noted and indeed celebrated just as the as the turning of the New Year.
So please raise a glass with me to ye old blog and more importantly raise that glass to all of you! Cheers and thanks so much for hanging with me all these years and for your wonderful support of by debut novel Through The Lens! I’m currently deep into writing book 2. Working to make that an even bigger, better and sexier story so please look out for updates here and on my Facebook page. Big hugs and lots of smooches all around.
In the year to come I hope to make ye old blog bigger and better and yes, I hope a bit more interesting. I also hope for myself, not to give resolutions and definitely not to be bigger, but I do hope to be better and maybe more interesting. Yeah, we’ll see how that goes but for a change I’d like to make it my plan to have more fun trying.
Here’s to living your story in 2013!
All the best.
Holiday Cheer!
Happy Friday! Tick Tock people! No worries, it’s all happy happy joy over here on ye old blog. Have you started your Christmas shopping? Have you finished? Please don’t say you’ve finished and back in July too because I just may cry.
Today I’m sending you all a little holiday cheer from the 5th Avenue Lord and Taylor Christmas windows. I got to take a peek at them when coming out of my writing cave and traveling downtown for my RWA-NYC holiday brunch last week. I met up with my DH who was called into work for a bit of an emergency, well I pulled him away from that for a while and had him come with me to enjoy the cheer also.
Here’s wishing you a fabulous Friday and a Happy Hanukkah to all celebrating this weekend!
All the best,
P.S. if you are a Scandal fan (and really why wouldn’t you be? You just MUST be!!!) Please hop on over to Heroes and Heartbreakers and check out my harried late night Scandal recap of last night’s episode. OMG did you see that? Check it out here.
Image thanks to abc.scandal official page
Scripting Life
So what do you do when in your head you’re feeling all sassy like a twenty something year old heroine from a rom com with your own upbeat soundtrack, but in reality it’s early morning but you’re lying in bed trying to talk your body into catching up with your mind and get it gear. The soundtrack is stuck on repeat. You see it’s another morning of waking up with a pain in your back and aches through all your joints. Definitely not the stuff of a romance heroine, let alone a young-ish (work with me people) romance writer who needs to book it to the keyboard and get those achy fingers flying and some words produced.
But that’s me and with my diagnosis of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis ) a couple of years ago it’s been a slow spiral downward. I see my doctors and have tried different meds and I’ll admit, on and off exercise, but still, it doesn’t feel like enough. If you’re like me, through the pain, you want to feel proactive and not like some old maid being put out to pasture with this, what sounds like, an out to pasture disease.
Well, I’m happy to say that through a lovely blogger friend I have found a place where I can find some answers and feel like I’m being proactive while surfing the net. has a fantastic Rheumatoid Arthritis Center with a wealth of information. You can check it out here and check out here for all sorts of other health and wellness tips. was kind enough to send me 2 lovely yoga mats for my review and getting the word out which I’m more than happy to do. Anything to spread the word on fighting this awful disease. Here’s hoping I put them to good use getting these rickety joints moving!
What you looking forward to singing a new tune to in the coming year?
All the best,