book launch,  Books,  Bounce,  K.M. Jackson

Bouce Your Merry Way!

It’s now official, as of yesterday, I am an indie publisher.

Whee! BOUNCE is live and for sale! Talk about a long time coming and what a way to have myself a Very Merry Christmas and welcome in 2014 with a Rousing Cheer.

I can’t express how excited, nervous and all around feeling every emotion a person could possibly feel in the moment. It’s like I’m standing on the edge of the highest cliff imaginable with nothing below me but green, ocean, sky  and possibilities and nothing to guide me in my flight but my little hand painted wings that I’ve fashioned out of children’s kite material and some string.

Ok, so maybe I’m being a little dramatic here. I’ve know I’ve got a lot more behind me than I think I do, I just have to convince my gut of it. Right now it’s just a belly full of butterflies and no net to be had. But really I know I’m lucky. I have family and friends, critique partners, beta readers, formatters, loop groups, cheerleaders and boosters all there, puffing up my wings and watching to make sure I don’t spin out of control. Oh the joy!  I am one happy woman.

All that said… I hope you’ll give BOUNCE a try. I have a feeling being a hybrid author in 2014 is going to be a wild flight.

 bounce ad b

Growing up as a young girl, Sabrina Jacobs could only dream her life would be this good. She has a successful career, a famous sexy husband, two children, a house in an affluent Westchester suburb and a shoe collection worthy of a magazine spread. Too bad it’s all a façade.

It has been almost a year since her husband admitted he had an affair with a younger and bouncier coworker. Follow Sabrina as she tries to rein in her out-of-control life by kicking her husband out on his rear, chucking her career and even firing her too-cute-for-the-job nanny. But how will she survive as a stay-at-home mom in the land of designer clothes, designer kids’ parties and designer babies? Hmm… maybe the hunky young French teacher, who has been flirting shamelessly with Sabrina, is just what she needs to take her mind off her problems. Well, not if her husband has something to say about it. Will Sabrina be able to forgive and still be true to herself? … Find out in BOUCE


BOUNCE can be found at Amazon here and at Barnes and Noble here.


Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Cheers to more Happy Writing in 2014!



All the best,



image from here

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