motherhood,  my view

Love On The Road…

The DH and I took our love on the road this weekend heading up to the kid’s schools for a visit. It’s so strange seeing them out in the world and navigating things as best as they can on their own. They have to come outside to let us up and into their space. Once inside, here and there are the tell-tale signs of a hasty clean up. You look around and see how things have been moved around from when you first dropped them off and how they have put their own decorative touches on the place showing off their personality and not yours.


But still you’re a parent and you ask, “Is there anything you need? Anything at all?, looking for some reason to stay around a bit, add your mark. Then you find it. “More hangers! A new pencil sharpener! Let’s go shopping.”

So you take them out to get your little trivial items, grab a bite to eat before you say goodbye once again. Leaving them to their little rooms where you don’t know what times they come in, or how much they study but all you can do at night, at home from your far away bed, is say a prayer that they are there and all is well with the world.





posters thanks to the kids.