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Jedi Mind Speak

Happy Friday?

Well, made it through another week. Gosh it feels like this one went by quickly.
Jack and I don’t have much in terms of news. He’s been spending a lot of time snoozing in the middle of the day and now he’s taking to snoring rather loudly to let me know that he’s sleeping and enjoying it. Here he is just after waking up yesterday and still a little sleepy. The looks says, “I’m thirsty and can I have a treat. Either order in fine by me. Just make it quick.”

My look back said, “I’m reading right now and you’ll just have to wait until I’m good and ready to get up. So there.”
Yeah, we communicate like that.
How about you? Do you have verbal or Jedi mind conversations with your pet? I can’t be the only one.



One Comment

  • Joyce

    Oh by the looks he is giving I hope you made it quickly to give him a treat and water. 🙂 Bo has the eyes that talk volume. Have a good weekend! We have snow today xo