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Phone Wars

Good Tuesday to ya! I hope the holiday weekend did everyone well. Today it’s back to the real world of routine and for me I hope that means writing. And by that I hope it means good writing.

I want to think all of you all for the kind words regarding my RA diagnosis. It’s really appreciated.

Now onto other news that plaguing my life right now… What new cell phone should I get?  You’d think I was solving the BP oil spill with the way I’m going on over my cell phone dilemma, but my Crackberry Storm has broken at the inconvenient time when the iphone 4 has come out and now the Droid X is due out in a couple of weeks too. The phone wars are on people!  …in my head.

Honestly I’d love the iphone. To me it’s just a sexier, sleeker, prettier phone but it has problems like that whole data plan deal and really, have you ever heard anyone actually talking on one? Sigh.



I’m sure I’ll figure out what to do soon. I feel like I’m hanging out in 1998 with the old cell I’m carrying around now and 1998 wasn’t the best year for me.

Have a great day!




  • pve

    all my apples do not fall far from my tree, we are all bananas for apples….you can borrow one for a taste-
    great aps, and sleek.

  • Maria

    I love my 3G iPhone. I probably won’t bother to upgrade to the 4–at least not for now.

    Now you have me wondering if I sound weird when I’m talking on my phone, though. I didn’t think I talked any differently than on another cell or a land line (??).

  • deidra

    my new iPhone 4G is gorgeous! and i can talk on it! i am in love! the data plan switch up was a bummer, but i just decided to live with it. let me know what you decide!

    you know…the Queen was just presented with a top-of-the-line Blackberry. Maybe she’ll chime in here with her opinion!

  • ArchitectDesign

    Used to have an iphone and loved it -but no AT&T service anywhere near my apartment (Did I mention I live in downtown washington, dc – seroiusly at&t?).
    I just ordered the new DROID incredible phone and get it later this week. It seems AMAZING and I can’t wait to join the 21st century again LOL.

  • That's Not My Age

    I’m old school – I just use my phone for phoning, think it’s good to have some down time away from emails/internet/blogging. I did have a go on a friends iphone once and I was rubbish at it. Felt like Mrs Sausage fingers!