my view,  Real Housewives of NJ,  Reality tv

Paris Taught Me That

Deep Breath… In. Out. In. Out. Whew. For some reason I feel like I need to catch my breath as I type this.  Though there is nothing all that exciting to report life seems a bit whirlwind and go go go. Or maybe it’s just time that’s going too fast and I feel like I’m running to catch up. Either way it’s already July 15 and that is quite shocking to me. But the good thing about it being July 15 is that the new Droid X is out today and I can finally see it in the non-flesh and get that (cut to me holding my fingers about an inch apart) much closer to ending my new phone torture. Whee!!

Then I can be like Danielle from the New Jersey Housewives and pretend to talk on the phone to $iss people off. “Paris Hilton Taught me that.”  Ya know.

