art,  life,  my view,  stress,  ugh

Sad Clown

What am I 12 0r 13? How do I get these things? I have been dealing with a cold for over a week maybe 2 and I woke two days ago with a really red eye. I thought (well hoped) it was my allergies. No doing there. It continued so I went to the eye Dr. to find out I have pink eye. Pink freakin’ eye! That and the two big pimples between my eyebrows make me wonder if I’m 12 or something. Ugh.

So that’s the reason for the Toulouse-Lautrec artwork today (still keeping with the Paris feel). I’m feeling like a bit of a sad clown out there for all the world to see even though I’d rather hide. Oh and the fact that I’m giving up sugar for Lent (again) does not help my Sad Clown mood or attitude. Speaking of attitude I sure like hers. Love the pants. This was painted over 100 years ago and still they look great. So stylish.

Happy Friday.
