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If I Had a Million Dollars

Tackle it Tuesday? Ha I wish.
Today I find myself thinking if I had a million dollars (well, 2 or 3. A million just ain’t what it used to be) I’d hire that cleaning fairy and hunky Top Chef to make my life just a smidge (read: whole boatload) more manageable. Life is very different now than from when this still life was done by Pop Artist Tom Wesselmann in 1963.

It’s another postcard I have from a visit to the MoMa. I think I was drawn to the color and calming simplicity of this kitchen. I’m sure the Rice Krispies and the Dole Pineapples helped pull me in too.
What practical thing would you purchase if you had a million or two?
Tom Wesselmann 1963, Still Life #30

Off to tackle some edits today.

