jack,  life,  motherhood,  my view,  stress

Pins and Needles

What’s Jack up to? Jack is being Jack just amped up a notch with the kids on high level with it being the end of the school year. So he’s extra snappy since they are snapping at him. All this is making for a snippy snappy house. Eeeee.

I have to say like Jack I’m a little on pins a needles. Trying to get used to it being the end of the school year and still on worry alert as I wait to see how the school year will end. This has the mind racing with plans for the summer and how that will all wash out. Which then brings me into the Fall. Yep, that’s me. Summer hasn’t started and I’m already into the Fall.

I really must work on living in the moment but I’ve never been a particularly good at that. I’m always five steps ahead in my mind with all the scenarios that go with it.

I admire those that don’t do this. Those that can turn a problem over in their mind ponder it then let it go even if it’s not resolved or can’t be. I know there is a secret to peace somewhere in there. But you have to be able to do it authentically and until then… I’ll be on pins and needles.


Madame Bovary: “Emma”John Archibald Austen (British, Kent 1886 – 1948 Kent)Black ink over graphite; sheet: 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 in. (11.1 x 11.1 cm)