Top Big Easy- Spoilers Ahead!

Leah talks about being bitter about being kicked out. I think some will be bitter if she’s kicked back in.
Jamie’s messing with poached an egg which worries me. But I like her haircut.
Jeff is seasoning like crazy. He must have come with the Bam sauce.
Emeril picks the winner and it’s Jeff. I’m actually happy for him. But his victory is snatched as Padma tells him he has to win the elimination challenge to stay in the game. Oh snap.
The Chefs go to Mardi Gras World (bit of trivia: the DH and I had dinner there when in the Big Easy it was quite fun) and are given instruction and shown a new car like on The Price Is Right. The winner of this challenge gets the car. Nice.
Chefs must do 2 dishes and one must be Creole plus a drink.
Best comment of the night I think came from Hosea who said it would have been the first Top Chef without a Mohawk to Fabio who showed up with it in New Orleans! That was funny.
Stefan goes for a smoke and doesn’t make sausage from scratch? Way to sweat Stefan.
Carla said she’s going to have to MacGyver it. I hear ya.
Carla doesn’t drink and she’s going for it with Non-Alcoholic in New Orleans. Risky but cool.

The masqueraders come into the ball and Carla thinks it beautiful and Fabio is reminded of an old porno movie. He just kills me.
Jeff- Gets good reviews.
Stefan-ok, but rue is not dark enough.
Fabio-a parade in the mouth. Nuff said.
Carla-Hootie Hoo!
Hosea-did good on the gumbo.
I have no clue who is going home.
Decision time. Judges say there was a clear winner and it was…Carla!!! Thanks for telling me judges.
Carla won the challenge and a new car!! I’m so happy.

Hosea is in.

It’s down to the dynamic duo. Stefan and Fabio.