jack,  life,  my view,  writing life

First Monday

What’s Jack up to? He’s back to looking out the window with an unobstructed view now that the Christmas tree is down. I’m thinking he’s wondering where everyone’s gotten off to since the kids are back to school and we once again can get back to a bit of a routine and have the house back for a few hours of the day. Yay! Oops, I’m sorry was that un-p.c. of me?

So how are you on this first Monday of the New Year?

Are you excited about it or does it feel like any other Monday?

I feel a certain amount of wide eyed optimism that I guess any hopeless dreamer always has. A full 360 days to tackle my goals of writing, diet, exercise, my home, my family the list goes on and on. But you know what? I’m not going to think about those 360 days left in the year. Way too daunting.

I’m going to take it one day at a time and remember to dream a little each day so I can stay optimistic and not get too bogged down.

How are you going to tackle this First Monday?


image: Pablo Picasso ‘The Dream’