• motherhood,  my view,  Oprah

    Growing up Oprah

    This is a tough post to write. I went to my TV at 4:00 yesterday, turned to channel 7 and she wasn’t there.  And by she I’m sure you all that know me, know I’m talking about Oprah. No, she wasn’t there. It was the news instead, as if I wanted to hear the news an hour early.

    So I blinked and let it sink in. Oh yeah, the day before she said goodbye. She told us thanks and to move on and live our own best lives. This 4:00 hour was now time to regroup and find a way to do what was and has been in our hearts to do for so long and be the best at it that we can.

    So it’s time to be myself, proud and unashamed,  Becoming True Me as I start on life part 3 now as a soon to be mom of college kids. No longer any label but my name.  But wow I won’t have my 4:00 anchor that has helped me grow and change so much these past 25 years as I went from a high schooler watching her on television with amazement and awe, to a college aged young woman, still drawing inspiration, into a career woman and wife and then a mother of twins and oh so thankful for the 4:00 advice and a place to draw comfort.

    Well, now I have my own high schoolers moving on and moving out and my 4:00 hour is free. She’s said goodbye. The news is on. The news I can’t change.

    So I’m turning off the TV and turning on the DVR to say THANK YOU to her myself one more time. Then at 5:00… watch out world here I come!


