Dance for Joy
Hello peeps. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was fun and filling probably too filling.
Writing update: It’s now the end of November and I know I won’t be making my NanoWrimo goal. Yes, it’s sad to say but this month got away from me with the new freelance gig at The Loft and with the Dear Twins college application process.
But in better news there was light at the end of the college app tunnel and we all got through it. The Applications are done and submitted! Whew. I think we all are a bit beat up and exhausted from the process (Ok I’m beat up and exhausted) but so happy to be done. Now is the waiting game. Isn’t that always a general state of life? But I’m feeling hopeful that there are good things in store. So for now I’m going to do a little happy dance like the beautiful Ms. Josephine here and give thanks that this part of the process is over.
Now back to my room and my regularly scheduled writing program.
All Wet
Oh I’m feeling like these leaves about my NanoWrimo challenge. All wet and scattered and left behind. I’ve got some serious catching up to do. I don’t know where I’ll be come November 30th but I’m still moving ahead and hoping not to be blown away.
Exclamation Nation!
Happy Monday everyone!!
I know what am I doing going getting all exclamation point happy about on a Monday? Don’t ask me because I really don’t know. It’s Monday and It’s November if I could, I’d slow down time so I’d have more for college apps with the dear teen twins and more time for Nanowrimo, but as you all know, time don’t wait for no one so here we are on another Monday so…!!! Take them for what they are good or bad.
I hope you all had a good weekend. One of my highlights was the DH and I started back with our church bowling league. Yep, it was time to pull out the old glittery ball and dust off my clown shoes.
On the up side I started out great, but by my 3rd game I was a hot mess. Here’s hoping I improve this season as much as I did last. I was honored to receive a most improved award for last season so that’s not too shabby. Goals are good! Darn there goes those exclamation point again. What’s with them on Mondays?
NaNo Time!
What’s Jack up to? Jack had a good Halloween weekend though he could have done without me embarrassing him with that witches costume. So sorry Jack.
So today starts Nano. National Novel Writing Month. Wish me luck and plenty of words. I sure will need it along with a high does of family support and sanity. If I’m missing from ye old blog at times please forgive me or if I’m not commenting on yours all that much be happy because that means I’m over here writing or at least I’m trying to write.
And now the Nano Song!!!