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    Fine Romance and a winner!

    Happy Monday!

    I’m hoping you all had a wonderful weekend and got to spend a little time with friends and/or family. Cherishing those you love and letting them know how much you care. Thanks so all of you who commented on the Farrah Rochon giveaway. The winner thank to random number generator is…. 2

    Stretch! Stretch, thanks so much for commenting. Please send me an email atL kwanawrites (at) yahoo (dot) com and send me your info to forward to Farrah and she will be sure to get you your book. Congrats.

    Get ready for a Fine Romance!





    Image from here


  • awards,  book launch,  Books,  interviews,  my view

    A Date with Destiny… Interview with Elizabeth Meyette

    Today I’m proud to have fellow Crimson Romance (I still love saying that) author , Elizabeth Meyette on ye old blog. Elizabeth’s novel Love’s Destiny is a historical romance and part of Crimson’s official June launch. Go Elizabeth!


    Before I get into the questions here is a bit about the book:


    When Emily Wentworth’s father dies at sea, her father’s friend—and Emily’s appointed guardian—Jonathon Brentwood arrives at her home in London to take her with him to the colonies. Emily, just 17, has decided that she is fully capable of taking care of herself and sets out to prove that to her new guardian.

    Emily’s one chance to remain in London is to marry, but when the opportunity arises, she knows she would rather follow Jonathon across an ocean to a land in upheaval than to stay safely in London.

    But Jonathon’s involvement in patriot activity against England disturbs—and threatens—Emily, a loyal subject of the king. The colonial rebellion is the backdrop for misunderstanding, fear, mistrust, and danger. Will love’s destiny ensure that Emily and Jonathon stay together, even in the face of death?

    Thanks so much for being here Elizabeth. First, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Have you always known you wanted to be a writer?

    Hi, Kwana! Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I grew up in upstate New York, and now I live in Michigan with my beloved husband, Rich.  We have a lovely family: our daughter Kate and her husband Todd, son Matt and his girlfriend Rachel, and daughter Kristin, her husband Tedd and our grandchildren Tommy and Molly.  I know I was always a frustrated writer because when I taught all that wonderful literature to my high school students, I knew that writing books was what I really wanted to be doing. I retired from teaching early to pursue my writing career and I haven’t looked back.  I say I “failed” retirement because I work hard every day. But it doesn’t feel like work because I love it so!


    What drew you to writing historical romance? I’m a big fan of the genre and can’t wait to give Love’s Destiny a go.

    I love learning about other places, and I am fascinated by the past.  Imagine what it was like to eke out a living on the frontier or not have all the conveniences we have today.  I always wonder what it was like for people back then and think of how strong they must have been. I had recently visited the Jamestown and Williamsburg Virginia area when I started writing Love’s Destiny, and I knew that was the setting I wanted. Plus the romance of the beginning of our nation…I couldn’t resist it! And I’m a sucker for a happy ending.  When I finish a novel, I want to feel satisfied, sort of like justice was served, the good guys won, and the lady got her man.

    Going from the blurb I can see that your heroine, Emily is young by today’s standards at 17, but I’m thinking appropriate for the time period. What made you choose that age for your heroine?

    I did extensive research while I was writing this, and it was typical for young women to marry by age 17, even younger.  But it was also common for men to be considerably older as Jonathon is at age 28. Because childbirth was so difficult, and infants often died, women had many pregnancies throughout their adult lives. Starting young was necessary.

    If you were not writing what would you be doing?

    Well, I would probably still be teaching, but my secret dream was to be a torch singer, dressed in sequins, draped over a baby grand singing in a husky voice in a smoky lounge.

    LOL. I love that answer! Now my favorite bit, please tell us the story of your “overnight success”.

    I’m so glad you put that in quotation marks to signify satire!  My overnight success took 30 years.  I wrote Love’s Destiny on a dare when my daughter Kate was an infant.  Then it sat in my closet, as many manuscripts do, until I retired.  Now I feel like I am giving life to my characters and I am so excited! I’ve been getting positive feedback and reviews from readers, and some good local press.  It’s all a dream come true!

    Wonderful! What can we expect next from you?

    My friends who helped with editing and reviews are clamoring for a sequel, so I am working on Love’s Spirit.  I think this might become a trilogy with Love’s Freedom as the third novel. Also, on our recent trip back to New York my d.a.m. inspiration (divine attendant muse) hit me with an idea for a suspense/paranormal set in the Finger Lakes region of NY.  I’ve got the first page and some notes written on it and it’s haunting me already!

    That sounds fantastic. Thanks so much from being here today and I’m wishing you much success with Loves Destiny!

    Thank you, Kwana. And best of luck to you with the release of Through the Lens!

    Thanks so much. You can find Elizabeth on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/elizabethfmeyette and her blog http://elizabethmeyette.blogspot.com

    And you can get Love’s Destiny over at Crimson Romance here




  • authors,  book launch,  Books

    Time to Radiate!

    Congratulations to my friend, author, Marley Gibson on the release today of her book RADIATE.
    RADIATE is a work of fiction but it is based on the personal story of her being a teenage cheerleader stricken with cancer. It’s the story of how cheerleading changed her life.
    Over at Marley’s blog where she has a fun pep rally going on today to celebrate the release, so hop on over and check out the party. There are tons of fun and prizes.

    I think it’s time for all of us to RADIATE! Don’t you?



  • authors,  interviews,  my view

    My (not so) Storybook… interview with Elizabeth Owen


    Blogging is a funny world. Daily or a few times a week you get to play reciprocal voyeur into someone’s life or at least into the parts they open up and let you into. The best blogs are the ones where it feels like you are stopping by for a cup of coffee and a chat with an old friend.

    That’s what it felt like on my visits to Elizabeth Owen’s blog: Mabel’s House. You see I was first drawn to, Mable, Liz’s sweet natured pup that reminded me so much of my Jack. And then happily and even more so, I was pull in by, Liz, Mable’s owner who has such a kind heart a way with words, not to mention with her wonderful eye for decorating ,well I could not turn away.
    Today I’m happy to say that Liz has written a book called MY (NOT SO) STORYBOOK LIFE: A TALE OF FRIENDSHIP AND FAITH which will be out this month. Lucky us, Liz has agreed to stop by here to answer a few questions.

    First here is a little bit about the book thanks to Amazon:
    Fresh, funny, and poignant, My (not so) Storybook Life is old-fashioned humor mashed with literary spoofery. Elizabeth thinks of herself and her husband, Matt, as a modern day Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. Together they’ve endured paint-color mishaps, sewage disasters, pest infestations, and a schnauzer that poops at tornado sirens. It was hardly the domestic perfection a young Liz imagined while reading Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. Could it be that these literary stalwarts had led her astray?

    Liz tells the story of her own path to happiness, along the way seeking revenge on her literary heroes: Jo March has to cope with a soul-sucking job, Elizabeth Bennett shepherds a Duggar-size brood of kids, and Anne Shirley deals with a penny-pinching husband. But every comedy is balanced by tragedy. Angela was one of Liz’s closest friends, a kindred spirit who at age of 33 was diagnosed with cancer. Before Angela, Liz was discontent. But it was the journey she took with this friend that made her realize that her house and its decorations and plumbing and dirty-clothes-covered Man Cave were not burdens to be tweaked and perfected, but blessings to be thankful for.

    And now to Liz…
    Hi Liz thanks so much for being here at KwanaWrites please tell us a little about MY (NOT SO STORYBOOK) LIFE.
    I’m so glad to be here, and thank you for having me!
    What led you to writing a memoir?
    Well, I’ve always kept a dairy or prayer journal over the years. But one day when I was writing the literary spoofs as an idea for a blog series and my husband said, “Don’t use those on your blog, save them for a book.” And so the idea kind of sprung from there. I’ve always enjoyed blogging about my life, so this was really just a bigger extension of what I was already doing.


    I know that you are a new mother (yay and congratulations!) to baby Jane. How has your life changed? Are you able to schedule writing time with a little one now?
    Life has changed in a huge way. My husband and I were married almost 10 years when we had Jane, and I really thought I would resent all the time constraints and lack of sleep that goes along with parenting. But it’s funny. I don’t at all. In fact we spring out of bed at 6 each morning, excited to peer over her crib and watch her stretch, grin and toot. I still write, but it’s a little more sporadic and I have to grab time when I can.

    What’s next on the horizon? Any plans for a future book?
    I have a book signing scheduled for November 12th at 1:00 at Books-A-Million in North Little Rock. And I’ve been kicking around some ideas for a second book too, although there’s no telling what I might end up writing with my sleep deprived brain running the show!
    That’s so wonderful and I can understand how hard it is with a new little one robbing you of sleep. Best of luck!


    You all can check out Liz at her lovely blog Mable House here.
    And you can pick up her wonderful book MY NOT SO STORYBOOK LIFE here!


  • authors,  Books

    TBR Yeah I’ve fallen…


    So I noticed with getting the twins off to college and getting into this new empty nester life and all I kind of fell off the wagon
    with reading and Wendy the Super Liberian’s TBR challenge. But I have read a bit and though this month was paranormal was the suggestion I have been reading (a first for me) sci-fi romance from Ms. Ann Aguirre. I was pulled in through the twitter world to give her Sirantha Jax Series a try and I’m so glad I did. So far I’ve read the first 2 books Grimspace and Wanderlust. I now have to get on board with the next 3 (I’m reading slow compared to my twitter friends). I have to say I’m loving this new genre for me though. It was fun to step out of my comfort zone and go into a totally new world and time dimension something I’d normally never do.


    Have you read out of your comfort zone lately?




  • book launch,  Books

    And I Think I Know A Lot…

    Well not as much as I’d like, but hey enough to make me reasonably stable and all. What am I talking about? Why it’s LOVE. And my Fresh Meat talk over at Heroes and Heartbreakers about the new book by Sarah Wendell: EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT LOVE I LEARNED FROM ROMANCE NOVELS. It’s such a good book and I think romance and especially you romance skeptics should check it out.

    So head on over to Heroes and Heartbreakers to see what I have to say on this subject. Go here. Thanks!





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    Strip a What? Strip a Who?

    Once again under the heading of: ‘Totally Educational’, whilst at Rom Con there was session called Strip a Hero and since I saw a bunch of other smart looking ladies flocking to it I thought I’d join in the stampede queue.

    Historical authors Kimberly Killion, Jade Lee, Jennifer Ashley and Mary Wine hosted. They all wrote funny skits that were acted out by our heroes where they just so happened  to end up disrobing a bit. Only a bit mind you. LOL.

     So for today I give you Strip a Hero!

    Happy Friday!




  • authors,  inspiration,  my view

    The Ladies Are Out In Style

    To show you Rom Con wasn’t all about the beefcake here are pics from one of the highlights of the weekend.

    Deeanne Gist’s Victorian Fashion Show with the fashions modeled by Your Favorite Historical Authors!

    It was so much fun and so educational:

    Mary Wine takes your breath away in a costume she made herself!


    Delilah Marvelle beautiful in a skating costume


    Jade Lee strutting her stuff


    Beth Williamson lovely in her day dress

    Jade and Delilah having fun in their swimming suits



    In the end we got to see Deeanne get dressed from her chemise on up and here she is finally done in her gorgeous walking suit.

    Trust me there will be no quick ravishing with trying to get under all those layers.





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    Anxious Shoulders…TBR

    It’s been a while since I went on a little reading binge but my historical romance mini-binge this month all started with When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James for Wendy the Super Librarian’s TBR challenge. This month’s theme was Fairy Tales so this book fit perfectly:

    Here’s a little blub thanks to B & N:

    Miss Linnet Berry Thrynne is a Beauty . . . Naturally, she’s betrothed to a Beast.

    Piers Yelverton, Earl of Marchant, lives in a castle in Wales where, it is rumored, his bad temper flays everyone he crosses. And rumor also has it that a wound has left the earl immune to the charms of any woman.

    Linnet is not just any woman.

    She is more than merely lovely: her wit and charm brought a prince to his knees. She estimates the earl will fall madly in love—in just two weeks.

    Yet Linnet has no idea of the danger posed to her own heart by a man who may never love her in return.

    If she decides to be very wicked indeed . . . what price will she pay for taming his wild heart?

    But really it was Beauty and the Beast meets House.

    What I loved about this was Eloisa’s hilarious and so very smart turn of phrase in such ridiculous situations. Poor Linnet, due to an unfortunate choice of high wiasted dress one evening (haven’t we all been there) and being spurned by a quite caddish prince now has the ton thinking she’s pregnant and of course if they think it, well then, it must be true. So now this beauty has to get some poor, but rich (of course), schmuck to agree to be her husband. And who does she choose? Only the smartest, most perceptive, most cantankerous, doctor in all of Wales. Ahoy, I see troble ahead!

    She had me cracking up with this one right out the gate with this one.

    Really with lines like:

    The shoulders are a trifle anxious. You mustn’t seem anxious. You are offering to save the man’s line after all.”

    How could you not love her?



  • authors,  blogs,  Books,  conference,  my view,  writing life

    Ok So Enough Of That…

    This weekend I did nothing but lounge about and read with increments of eating bbq thrown in just to keep my lounge strength up (a girl had to stay strong mind you). But today marks the start of a new week and it seems after Nationals a new outlook on work.

    RWA Nationals is always renewing to a writer like that and for me this year it particularly is with the twins leaving for college.  Time to get that old grind on with a renewed spirit. But before I get started here are a few more pics from Nationals. Hope you have a wonderful week.


    Here I am at Juniors enjoying a Cheesecake meet and greet with team Heroes and Heartbreakers meeting some of the other team bloggers for the first time.


    Me and my friend author Jax Cassidy. Jax had me all over Times Square taking new author photos of me. Yeah, Uh, ANTM I am not.

    Enjoying an Italian tourist meal with Maureen McGowan and Stephanie Doyle. We were starving and had energy to only step outside the Marriott for the meal. It was good though. Check them out on their great blog Drunk Writer Talk.

    Harlan Coben and Lisa Jackson talk. So much fun and inspirational.


    Finally mypushed to the limit H & H bag and my handbag wiped out in the Atrium lounge.


