• Gossip Girl,  jack,  motherhood,  teens,  TV,  writing

    What’s All The Fuss About?

    What’s Jack up to? It’s getting a bit late, but he’s feeling happy and frisky and wanting to play right now, so he’s bouncing from person to person in the house to try to get someone to play with him and his darn toy. Joy. Fun.

    First off I want to say that fab Agent, Elaine answered some questions posted in the comments of this week’s Ask The Agent. So please check here and go to the comments section to see if your question was answered. Thanks Elaine!

    I was checking out Marianne Mancusi’s blog and she had an interesting topic about these Gossip Girl ads.

    First let me say I watch and like Gossip Girl and I’ve let my own DD read the books. Now to the ads… as a mother and as a writer I’m torn over them. Sure they’re provocative and will do the trick to get viewers to tune in to watch what I think is one hot show. But do the ads go to far? In my opinion they do. Ugh! I just gagged a bit over how old I sound.

    I’d really be fine with them if they were portraying characters that were over eighteen, but the fact that they are portraying characters that are still in high school doesn’t sit right with me. Today sex is more casual then ever which just makes me sad. When I hear about freshmen girls having sex with their senior “boyfriends” of course I know what the senior boys are using the poor girls for and what the next year’s round of boys will use the same girls for and so on and so on and so on…

    I know that sex always has and always will go on in high school but does it need to be even more highly promoted?

    I’ll admit when writing my YA’s to having some trouble with putting the mom aside. I was writing from the sixteen year old perspective, but I have to admit, although it pains me to do, I’m not sixteen anymore. Thank God.

    ads courtesy of Gawker

    Oh and did you hear that 90210 is coming back. I wonder how they will up the ante to compete with GG?

    I could go on and on with this, but I won’t. I’d rather hear what you think of the ads.
