• charity,  happy holidays,  life

    Time Treasure

    I know, I know we are all so busy, believe me I am swamped like crazy right now. But during this holiday season I’d like to challenge you to step out of your usual box of crazy (sorry is that just me in the crazy box?) and try something different. I understand the economy is in the tank and there are those that may not have what they normally may give to charity, if you don’t why not give something much more valuable a bit of your time.

    “Time? Ugh! Groan! I’ve got less of that than money. It’s too hard!” I know I’m talking to myself again. But how about trying something fun like wrapping presents at a local children’s home. You would not believe how many children are without homes and how many presents and wrappers they need. Hey, You don’t even have to be good at wrapping the kids won’t care! Or you can take a send a few cards to some sick and shut ins at your church or volunteer to take a couple of hours away from your own family, just 1 or 2, to deliver meals on Christmas Day. Who knows? You may actually WANT those hours away from your family and they can;t talk bad about you if it’s for a good cause. Sneaky giving.

    It may seem like a lot to ask, but it’s a gift will touch you, the giver as well as the recipient for a long time to come.

    How special is that?
