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Good Reading and Fan-Girling!

This week is flying by way too fast. I can’t Believe Today is May 1st. I’m trying my best to hold it back, but nothing I do is slowing the progress of time.

may 4


The good thing is that in less than a week I’ll be in New Orleans at the Romance Slam Jam conference & then the week after that I’ll be at the RT Booklovers Convention also in New Orleans.

So what could be bad about either of these super exciting events? Just the fact that I feel so not ready. I will literally be flying by the seat of my pants as I wander around as a newly published author, faking looking smooth, while trying not to fangirl geek-out over all other not fake the cool published authors in attendance at both events. This should be interesting. I’ll be sure to check in as often as I can either here, on FB or on Twitter so look out for me and please wish me luck.  Question: Which author would you fan-girl over?

And on another fun note, my Goodreads Giveaway ended last night and I was thrilled to have over 700 entries. Congrats to my Southern winners Hannah & Danielle. Your signed copies of BOUNCE are on the way! I appreciate all of you who entered. Thanks so much for Bouncing along with me!



All the best,



P.S. check out the cool cards there in the corner from my friend PVE Design


May image fm We Heart It.