happy holidays,  my view

Super Christmas to All…

Merry Christmas to all of you my lovely friends!

Wishing you the very best this holiday. I hope it’s magical and bright for you all. Last night the family and I observed one of our favorite holiday tradition and headed over to Pelham Parkway in the Bronx to see “The Christmas House” as we always call it.

I’ve posted pics of the Christmas House here before and as always, this year did not disappoint. The robotic mannequins were all done up with their best glitz and glam and with sparkly new jewels and gleaming wigs. Hey, Marilyn! And there was  even the addition of a Superman this year. Holy Man of Steel saving Christmas!


It was so much fun to see all the families out and the kids with bright eyes (my big kids included). Tonight we will make cookies for Santa that I hope he’ll enjoy and tomorrow spend the day sharing cheer with family.

Today I’m wishing you a Super Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Peace and Blessings.

All the best,