motherhood,  my view

Stepping Away…

Letting go is not easy, but this weekend I had to do it again. With a heavy, fast beating heart and a churning, hot burning stomach, I bit my lip, said my silent prayer (wishing I could get a receipt at the end) and added my goodbye peering through eyes that had seen little sleep the night before. This letting go thing, no, it doesn’t get easier for me and I doubt it ever will. But still, I do my duty, open my arms and step away. Next week I will do it all over again.

This is the joy of having twins.

Happy Monday!




Oh and it’s not all melancholy over here. Through The Lens is out and 1 week. Did you hear that 1 week from today!!! Have you likes my FB author page yet? Becuase now would be agreat time to do that. Wheee!!!