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The Enforcer


I have to admit I’ve had a bit of trouble getting of the hump of now having a teen free house. One where I don’t have the 2:30 bell going off in my head. No longer do I have hour after hour where I’m toting a kid from one activity to another or sitting through an event and cheering (ok sometimes reading) from the sides. This is a totally knew me.

ME being the operative word. And a big part of this me that I was looking forward to is the writer part that suddenly has the time to do what she said she was going to do. Try andreally make a career of this thing.

Oh-uh and gulp Scooby Doo. So to that I spend lots of time preparing to write. You know, researching (click, click online), making coffee, more researching, more coffee and then walking in circles.

I’m thinking Jack has had enough. He’s now turned into The Enforcer.

You gonna get to work lady?

I said now!

Ok, I see you’re going to be a problem, so I’ll just park it here to keep an eye on you.

Have a great hump day. Good luck getting over all your humps today.



  • pve

    I like your side-kick and indeed it is funny how a faithful companion can be such a motivating force in one’s lives. (or not!)
    Have a happy hump day.

  • Joyce

    I think he is not only cracking the whip, but wondering where his leash. 🙂 Enjoy your day with Jack the man! Is today day your knitting gathering? If so, have fun! xo

  • Ina in Alaska

    Very entertaining post. Yes, you must discipline yourself to knuckle down to business. The online world is totally a distraction, I get it! I am supposed to work when suddenly I “must” check on my online Tweets and Blog Buds….. terrible problem…. enjoy the peace and freedom of being child free!