motherhood,  my view

The Ice Storm Cometh

So we’ve had an ice storm and yes, another school closing. At the first word of an ice storm of course my mind instantly goes to this.

Yeah I think in movies, tv and music. And though I didn’t love this movie when I first saw it years ago. I find the more I think of it the more I think it’s brilliant, if not for Joan Allen’s hair alone.

But I digress, the kids are home again, giving me the side eye like they’re wondering why I’m on the computer all day and not being miss happy mommy homemaker and pulling magic birds out of my butt or at the very least getting out there on the icy roads and taking them to the mall. As if.

Hey, they should be used to it by now . This is just another day mid-week in a little house in the middle of the street in Freshchester.




  • Kathy

    I know suddenly it’s a snow/ice day and we become Julie the Cruise Director! Or worse yet Betty Crocker/Martha Stewart! As if Facebook is not enough entertainment for a teen!! lol! I’m waiting for my teen to say the dreaded word…Mall! No way I’m leaving my house today…it’s now raining…which means ice which means no thanks! Have a sane day!

  • kwana

    Thanks Patricia and Kathy. You both try and stay sane too. I have just sent mine to clean their rooms. A sure way to make then hate me for a while and get out of my hair. Of course there is no guarantee the rooms will get cleaned. Ah well.

  • Maria Geraci

    We’ve had a very cold winter in north Florida. I can’t stand another day of having to put my heater on, so I can’t imagine how it must be up where you are. Stay warm!!

  • Marilyn Brant

    Kwana, I know. We had early school closings yesterday at noon. No school today. No school tomorrow. And, somehow, my son got the idea that I was supposed to entertain him in the middle of my work week… My husband’s reaction was far worse — he expected me to cook :). Hope it warms up soon for both of us!!