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And Another One

What’s Jack up to? Jack’s wishing you a Happy Monday! He’s had a good weekend full of sunshine, naps, food and walks. But then again he lives a dog’s life so there’s that. Don’t you sometimes wish you could be in his shoes? Just for a day?

Another busy week is planned on ye old blog and in life (when is it not?). In life hopefully lots of writing will get done, and then there’s tons of family stuff both fun and chore-ish.
On ye old blog, there will be an exciting interview and a giveaway for tomorrow so come on back, a birthday (oh 2) later in the week (not mine) and some other assorted stuff thrown in once I work all that out.
Wishing you all a fab week.

P.S. Tax day is the 15th are you all up on that hat messery? I actually saw a sign today for a tax tea party in my area. Really want to go park and see who in the world from may area shows up to act a hot mess, but no don’t want to get disappointed in folks so won’t. grrrrr….


  • pve

    Look at that Jack, all happy and frisky! He looks so ready for a fun filled week ahead! Ready to bark a lot and keep us entertained with his antics!

  • Ina in Alaska

    I would enjoy Jack’s life, but would be better behaved (wink!) People say they would like to be my dogs too, I probably would agree.. Tax day….. we are filing an extension….. very depressing day, we always pay lots of $$$$$…..xoxo

  • Colleen

    That Jack is one handsome fellow! I am SO enjoying my new little guy – puppies are so cute (& he not too crazy…yet?) See you tomorrow for all the good stuff!

  • annechovie

    Jack is looking even cuter than usual. I have dog envy. Tax day??? I sent mine in last week…always a highlight of my year. NOT. LOL. Have a great week! xo