Mojo Monday
Jack, says thanks for all the well wishes yesterday!
I’m back from the NJ romance writer’s conference and happy to report that I had just THE BEST time. It’s such a well run conference full of friendly people with top speakers and presenters. The only downside? The 4 and 5 am fire alarm. That stunk. Here is some of the NY crew at dinner lunch. Notice the wine on the table. The hotel thought it would make up for lack of sleep. It did not. That cute little sweetie there did not partake.
But as you can see I think the rest did.
Upside. Rooming with my PIC Megan and Liz M. too for a hot minute. Sorry I don’t have a picture of Liz. Hi Liz! Here are Megan and I in the hotel’s faux Soho lounge. It’s pretty. The only pic I have of Liz was taken during the fire alarm. I think it’s nice. I’m afraid she may not.
Some of the great workshops I attended were:
One on digital publishing with super smart Icantalkdigitalinmysleep and, yes, I think she can, Angela James.
Darn, how did I let her leave without telling me what format was best for my Sony.
A dialogue workshop with Bestselling author Karen Rose. Here is Karen with friends and fans Louise and Danielle.
Also a super workshop on Collages with Jennifer Crusie that blew my artist mind. I already do story boarding but this will have me taking it to the next level. I knew Jennifer was Ms. New York Times Best Seller but now that I know she was an art teacher and is quite an artist I think I’m more in love. Notice it says behind her “creativity is play” something to keep in mind.
Finally I spent many an hour hanging around Bestseller (I was doing that a lot trying to get some mojo to rub off) Madeline Hunter. She had 2 workshops
1. Surviving Almost There (a place where I seem to have been hanging out for quite a long time)
2. Alaso a double session on conflict that rocked my world. I learned so much. She really got the gears working.
Now I just about thought I’d swoon when I went to the book signing later and gave Madeline my card and she said that she had been to ye little old blog before. Oh happy, swoony day! Thanks for that moment Ms. Hunter.
And now for your viewing pleasure a few more pics from the signing:
Leanna Renee Hieber
Isabo Kelly
Janet Mullany. Lucky me getting her last copy of: A Most Lamentable Comedy.
So as you can see I’ve had quite a weekend. Now time to put all that inspiration and fun into practice. Gotta hit the writing cave. Will be popping out for brief sips of air.