Multi-Multi Tasking
What’s Jack up to? Jack is being Jack. A little bossy, a little cute, so very Jack. Keeping me on my toes.
It’s early Monday, well, late Sunday night as I’m writing this and already I’m overwhelmed with the family schedule this week. Not just this week, this year really. As women we are the keepers of the schedules. Ours and everyone else’s. Annoyingly, I found myself taking unnecessarily drives this weekend to classes that didn’t happen because I didn’t have a teen’s schedule memorized in my head. Not that said teen should not have had their own schedule down. Sigh.
To make things just that more nutty, I’m already thinking ahead to the new year. January and February. So much so that the beautiful months of October and November are getting lost in the shuffle as just pages I’m flipping on the calender.
And in all of this I’m terribly afraid of dropping the ball. That my whole house of cards will come tumbling down from all my multi-tasking.
Knock Knock. Is it just me knocking at this door? Think I need a cup of tea and a moment to think about this.
Oh and thanks to Prof Melissa Harris-Lacewell on twitter for pointing me in the direction of this article from The Huffington Post on the ever growing unhappiness of women and and multi-tasking. A longtime sign of the times.