happy holidays,  life,  my view

The Past is Past- Happy New Year 2009!

Happy New Year to all my blog friends. Welcome 2009!

So it’s a new day and a new year. Are you all pooped out? I know I am.

I vowed to myself a while back that I would not make my usual resolutions so that I wouldn’t be disappointed in about a months time. Way too much pressure that I just don’t need. Besides, I already know what I need to do and I talk here so much that you know it too.

So no resolutions for me except to try and be better than I was last year, do my best and stress less. But last Sunday I got to hear a reverend at our church preach that I had never heard before. One thing she said that she lives by, which I’m going to try and adopt (and this will be really hard for me) is this:

“Don’t bring your yesterday into today.”

She spoke about attacking each day with new eyes and a new spirit and letting go of the hurts of past and moving forward. Something to think about on this first day of the new year.

Have a wonderful today!
