Barack Obama,  jack,  politics,  The Daily Show,  videos

Blink Already!

What’s Jack up to? Shhh. Stinky Jack is getting a B-A-T-H. T-O-D-A-Y. Let’s keep it quiet while I lure him to the tub.

I have to say I had a huge problem with so many parts of the Sarah Palin/ Charles (Charrr-lee) Gibson interview, but what got me the most was the not blinking thing. The fact that she didn’t blink in her decision to take the VP job irked me. Shoot, I take a half an hour deciding to buy boots on sale at the outlets and she didn’t pause to think about this job? Did this cause anyone else to pause?

Well, leave it to The Daily Show to make me smile about it. Here we go…

Please everyone, blink a bit and VOTE wisely in November. You know which way I’m going. Obama baby!
