blogs,  Dooce,  jack,  motherhood

Mommy Blogs- So what of it!

What’s Jack up to? Happy to be chilling alone after the weekend with DH and Dear Teens confined to Dear Home and studying or is that just me. Ok, it’s just me. The weekend was full of tons of grrrr worthy moments. Totally blog worthy, I’ve got to think about that.

So I was checking out Dooce’s blog. If you don’t know her, she’s the Ms. IT of the premier bloggers out there and has been heralded as “THE mommy blogger” and she was posting about her appearance on The Today show which I was bummed to have missed since I’m crazy about this type of stuff.

I was so happy that she put up her appearance and slightly annoyed when I saw it. Not at Dooce a.k.a Heather B. Armstrong who has thing blog thing so down pat that her own DH gave up his own day gig to manage her blog biz, but at The Today Show for sending a girl to do a woman’s job and the dismissive way in which it was handled by the interviewer.

I can’t stand it when folks are interviewing people on subjects that they clearly know nothing about. This just burns me up. Kathie Lee said she didn’t know about computers. Check out her blog here. Sigh. Big ups to the assistant for typing it up for her. That would totally have been my job back in my early fashion days.

First as mothers we have THE toughest job in the world then when we try and do another job and still be there for our family we get put down. Not cool.

You watch and tell me what you think of the interview and the whole mommy blog thing in general. Discuss. Have fun.

If you’d like to see a really good interview with Heather check out this Nightline one. I think it gives the subject the tone it deserves.


All you weekday readers please scroll down and check out the weekend posts and chime in. DON’T DREAM IT BE IT! And don’t forget the MEME somebody pick up a book and take up the cause.