inspiration,  jack,  music

Soundtracks for life

What’s Jack up to? Saturdays mean nothing to Jack when he wants to go out. He’s up early and nudging the DH to go out. He came to my side of the bed and was disappointed when I wouldn’t budge. Sorry, dude I’ve got ten more minutes of sleep in me.

I have to say I was late to the whole Amy Winehouse party. I didn’t get her album Back to Black until after she won at the Grammy’s. And how ghetto fab was her acceptance speech? “To my Blake-iee In-car-ser-ated!” Oh girl!
That said, boy am I glad I got on wagon. Talk about a well deserved win. I don’t care what Ms. Natalie Cole says. It’s a music award, not a morality award. And besides if I’m not mistaken Ms. Natalie had her fair share of life’s tangles. Pot to kettle….

I love the album from start to finish and have a feeling it will be a big influence in what I’m writing next. Something dark, sexy, smokey and a little dirty. Thanks Amy! I’m rooting for you to get it together girl!

Tell us does certain music inspire you to work or live a certain way? What are your soundtracks for life?
