Working for the Weekend!
Happy Friday and Happy weekend! Wishing you all a bright and sunny one and one where there is hopefully a nice warm up for all of us. Please no snow and no ice storms. Let’s keep it nice and light, shall we?
This weekend I’ll be, I’m sure (since I already am), a little verklempt since my lovely DD will be heading off to France for her semester abroad. There will no doubt be a teary goodbye but I’ll try to save the full on waterworks for the car ride home. I’m just hopeful that she learns a lot, stays safe and has the time of her life. France, please be good to my baby.
As for today please join me over at the newly launched Romance at Ramdom site where I’m getting real and talking BOUNCE. And speaking of BOUNCE, if you haven’t bounced in yet now is the perfect time since I’m holding a kick up your heels $0.99 for a limited time. Enjoy!
All the best,
image from we heart it.