my view,  writing,  writing life

Monday? No, Thank You

Hello Monday 🙂  I’m trying to be enthusiastic as I greet you but it’s just one of those Mondays. Yes, the paint is up on the wall now and I’m happy about that, but looking around I’m sure it will take me the next month to get the house back to rights (was it me that had this bright idea?). And BTW just over a month is what I have now before the dear twins are home so all of a sudden I feel like I need to get the house to rights and my other work in order too. You know the other work, that pesky little thing called a book I’ve been working on well, forever!
So now it’s tick tock, wake up Monday’s here, but all I can feel is uh, no, thank you.

But no worries. I’m up typing this aren’t I?



Image from here