
No longer Invisible

My DD called me full of emotion over this asking me if I had known about these invisible children. I said yes, I had. I had had known about them and been worried and prayerful and outraged for them for quite a long time. I won’t mention that I’m sure I brought this up to both the twins while they were still at home maybe a few times, I mean really it was neither here nor there. Who listens to their mother? Right?
Because now there was a video and it was becoming a movement that was hitting the streets and taking the young people, the Facebookers and the Tweeters by storm and the word was getting out. Even I didn’t know about the video. My DD, one of the young ones, was now becoming socially aware, out of her own comfort zone and outraged just like me over what was happening to children half a world away. So she was educating me now. And though I knew about the children, I didn’t know about the movement. But now I do. And you do too. They are no longer invisible.



  • pve

    My very sweet Mother tells me all the time that she is leaving this world a much better place by knowing her children have listened to her heart and will lead by her example.
    How sweet of your daughter to be inspired and to share this. You must be very proud.

  • Sabrina

    I’m one of the ones that didn’t know until a few days ago. It seems someone posted on their FB page, I shared it with my Friends and then it was everywhere. The next morning it was on the news. It’s good to see how a small flame can turn into a roaring fire. I know it didn’t happen overnight but it happened. All we really need to know is if we’re passionate enough we can make something happen, eventually. Thanks for sharing.