jack,  motherhood,  my view

Paris Has My Heart

What’s Jack up to? He’s wondering where the Dear Twins have gotten to right about now. Spent lots of time on top of the couch and watching the window yesterday. I’m sure right now he’s like what the heck is up and where are they? Sorry Jack.

Bonjour! The Dear Twins got off to Paris yesterday evening and I’m trying hard not to worry too much while waiting for scattered calls. I’m hoping all goes well when they meet their generous host families and they find their ways around ok.

Hey, maybe they’ll be like these kids here, rocking it along the Seine.

You’ll be glad to hear I fought hard and won the battle of the tears when the bus was pulling away from the school (I didn’t want to embarrass them too much).

But I did get in an extra hug or two. I just had to.


photo from Art.com