Back from The Edge
So I’m back from New England and the NEC Romance Writers of America Conference. The theme of the conference was: Come to the edge. What a fun and inspirational weekend it was! I got to meet my fab agent, Elaine Spencer, for the first time face to face! It was like meeting your old pen pal from Zimbabwe except in our case it’s been all emails with the occasional telephone call sprinkled in. I’m happy to say it was a wonderful meeting and Elaine agreed to be interviewed here. So stop back tomorrow for more details. Yay!
There was a breakfast keynote speech with Susan Wiggs on the writing life and on Saturday Suzanne Brockmann gave a talk about going deeper with your characters that rocked the room. I also really enjoyed a deep POV workshop with author Virginia Kantra which I so needed for my work and many other helpful workshops. Thanks NEC!
But you know the truth, this weekend is mostly about making connections with old and new friends. Check it out:
Here I am with my New York buddies in our black dresses. There’s Megan my PIC in her stunning vintage Geoffrey Beene on the left and on the right is Elizabeth my NYC chapter Pres. in a gorgeous black dress with the coolest back that you can’t see, sorry.
Here’s the amazing Deidre Knight Pres of my agency with my other secret twin, Marley Gibson at lunch on Saturday. Are they not two peas in a pod?
New friends and Japanese buffet conquerors Megan and Maureen. Hi Ladies!