Be Mine
What’s Jack up to? It’s the weekend, Baby. Party Time!
Valentine’s day is quickly coming upon us. Are you a hopeless romantic that loves the love holiday or are you a cynic that thinks it’s all a gimmick made up by Hallmark to sell more cards?
I believe that any day that celebrates love wonderful. Whether it’s love for a sweet heart, your family or your friends.
Some of my favorite memories as a little girl were of my normally quiet and sometimes gruff grandfather handing out Valentines on Valentine’s Day. My Nana always got the biggest most ornate box complete with satin and ruffles. He then made sure to have a box for all the girls in the family, my mom, my aunt and then a special little box for me. That small gift always filled my heart with such pride and let me know I was loved.
So don’t fight it, embrace Valentine’s Day and share the joy. It’s bound to come back to you.
Here are a few suggestions for your sweetheart. Feel free to forward to anyone who needs gentle hint!
Something for the girls…
Don’t forget the guys. It’s about them too .
gifts from Red Envelope and Tiffany
And a hot new romance book is the perfect way to treat yourself and him on Valentine’s Day.