• funnies,  happy holidays

    Expressions of Love… via Vin

    It’s the day of Lurve! Now I could get all poetic and lovely dovey with expressing my feelings for you all, but when I got to thinking about them I was just overcome with emotions and I found the words hard to come by.

    Thank goodness I have Vin here to come to the rescue.

    Happy Valentine’s day via may man Vin…


    And remember…

    love wins


    All the best,



    image via we heart it


  • funnies,  videos,  writing life

    Business Time

    Happy Friday and Happy Weekend! Good for us making it through the week. Though you know me when I’m in deadline mode weekends mean nothing and it’s business time and not in the HA HA way, but in the get down to business and get these edits done way.


    That’s ok. The weekend are for everyone and business is what you make of it. Enjoy!


    All the best,



    image from amandaonwriting.tumblr.com


  • funnies,  my view,  valentines,  videos

    The Perfect Valentine

    Oh boy Valentine’s Day is only 4 days away. I’d better get started on picking out the perfect cards (one serious and 1 funny) for the DH. I love this skit from Kevin James. I think he’s got me pegged. Total LOL!

    Good luck finding your perfect Valentine.



  • family,  funnies


    Yep, I went and did it. For yet another time, this past weekend I made the family pile in the car and head to Sears for our own Awkward Family holiday photo. There I was with the oldest kids in the store. There they were trying hard to pretend they didn’t know me or the DH. Honestly, there the DH was, trying hard to pretend he didn’t know me either. What up with that?

    But I’m happy to say, mission accomplished and I have now gotten a photo for every year with my twins all through high school!

    Next year they will be going to college and we may start skipping some years and I may be ok with that.  I May. We will see, but I’m thrilled to have made it through this year and I didn’t even pull out the vinyl to get it done.



    Photo fm Awkward Family Photos
  • funnies,  politics,  videos

    A Festivus for The Rest Of Us

    What’s Jack up to? Though I wanted to sleep in this Saturday but Jack was having none of it and had the DH and I up pretty early pushing his strong little body against one side of the bed, shake, shake,  then, scratch, tap, tap, running to the other side to push some more until we gave in and he got to go out. Once again we know who’s in charge here. LOL.

    Thanks to all of you who read my work, commented and voted for me in the Mills & Boon New Voices contest. It’s so hard to step out and be judged. If you haven’t had a chance to read and be all judgy there is still time. Grab a cup of tea and head on over here now. Thanks.


    On a lighter note…finally a rally I can get behind well just about any of us can that is if I can get off the couch. I love you Jon Stewart.

    The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
    Rally to Restore Sanity
    Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
    The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
    March to Keep Fear Alive
    Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News



  • funnies,  life,  my view


    Well, I was about to rant on and on about the tangled technology mess that I’m in but while searching for an appropriate picture this one popped up and, well, it shut me right up. Enjoy!


